[Full Guide] Bus Driving Requirements For Felons

Bus drivers whether it’s a city bus or local bus, often need a commercial driver’s license (CDL), and the regulations regarding felony convictions can vary by state or country.

Some places may have restrictions on individuals with certain types of felonies, especially those related to violence, theft, or dishonesty.

Check with your local DMV or licensing authority for the most current information on whether individuals with felony convictions can obtain a CDL and work as bus drivers.

In some cases, there may be options for rehabilitation or a waiting period that could potentially improve your chances of eligibility.

Becoming Bus Driver With Criminal Record

1. Research Local Laws and Regulations:

  • Check the specific regulations and requirements for bus drivers in your area. These can vary significantly between countries, states, or even cities.

2. Understand the Nature of the Offense:

  • The severity and nature of the criminal offense can impact your eligibility. Certain offenses may disqualify you from becoming a bus driver, especially if they are related to violence, drugs, or endangering others.

3. Rehabilitation and Clean Record:

  • In some cases, rehabilitation and a clean record for a certain period may improve your chances. Completing probation or parole successfully, attending counseling, or other forms of rehabilitation can demonstrate to authorities that you have made positive changes.

4. Obtain Legal Advice:

  • Consult with a legal professional who specializes in employment law or transportation regulations in your area. They can provide guidance based on the specifics of your criminal record and local regulations.

5. Driver’s License Requirements:

  • Ensure that you meet all the requirements for obtaining a commercial driver’s license (CDL), which is typically necessary for bus drivers. This may include passing written and practical exams, a medical examination, and background checks.

6. Application Process:

  • Be honest and transparent during the application process. Falsifying information can lead to disqualification. Some jurisdictions may require you to disclose your criminal record during the application.

7. Character References:

  • Having strong character references, especially from employers or individuals in positions of authority, can help demonstrate that you are trustworthy and responsible.

8. Training and Certification:

  • Complete any required training programs and certifications necessary to become a bus driver. This may include classroom instruction, driving practice, and exams.

Remember that each case is unique, and the decision to grant or deny a bus driver’s license with a criminal record ultimately rests with the relevant licensing authorities. It’s crucial to thoroughly research and follow the specific regulations in your jurisdiction to maximize your chances of success.

Bus Driving Training Programs

  1. Classroom Instruction:
    • Fundamental knowledge about traffic laws, safety regulations, and basic vehicle maintenance.
  2. Driving Practice:
    • Hands-on training behind the wheel of a bus, focusing on safe driving practices, maneuvering, and navigating different road conditions.
  3. Defensive Driving Techniques:
    • Instruction on defensive driving strategies to anticipate and respond to potential hazards on the road.
  4. Passenger Management:
    • Training on handling passengers, including customer service, conflict resolution, and ensuring a safe and comfortable environment on the bus.
  5. Emergency Procedures:
    • Preparation for handling emergencies such as accidents, breakdowns, or medical incidents, with emphasis on passenger safety.
  6. Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance:
    • Understanding the routine inspection and maintenance procedures to ensure the bus is in good working condition.
  7. Licensing Requirements:
    • Guidance on the specific requirements for obtaining a commercial driver’s license (CDL) with the necessary endorsements for passenger transport.
  8. Regulatory Compliance:
    • Overview of local, state, and federal regulations governing bus transportation, including hours of service, rest periods, and other compliance aspects.
  9. Technology Training:
    • Familiarization with the technology used in modern buses, such as GPS systems, communication devices, and fare collection systems.
  10. Simulator Training (if applicable):
    • Some programs may incorporate simulator sessions to simulate various driving scenarios and enhance practical skills.
  11. Final Evaluation and Testing:
    • Assessment of both theoretical knowledge and practical skills through exams and driving evaluations.

Can you be a bus driver with a dui?

The eligibility requirements for becoming a school bus driver with a DUI (Driving Under the Influence) conviction can vary depending on the jurisdiction and the specific policies of the school district or transportation company.

In many places, a DUI on your record may disqualify you from obtaining a commercial driver’s license (CDL), which is typically required for school bus drivers.

Having a DUI on your record is generally viewed as a serious offense when it comes to operating a vehicle, especially one that involves the transportation of children.

School districts and transportation companies prioritize the safety of students, and a history of impaired driving may be considered a significant risk.

It’s important to check with the local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) or licensing authority in your area to understand the specific regulations and requirements.

Additionally, you may want to contact the school district or transportation company directly to inquire about their hiring policies regarding individuals with a DUI on their record.


Becoming a bus driver with criminal background like felony is still possible if you pass the CDL test and meet the driving requirement’s by your local DMV.


  • James Davis

    James Davis, a former felon, is a renowned expert on corporate hiring policies for individuals with criminal records. His personal journey from incarceration to success drives his passion for advocating second chances. In this blog he regularly shares how to get job successfully being an ex offenders at different companies.

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