Does apple hire felons?

Apple is a company that is well-known for being innovative and always at the forefront of new technology.

However, many people don’t know that they also have a strong history of hiring ex-convicts.

In this blog post, we will explore Apple’s history of hiring felons and find out why they are one of the few major companies that do so.

We will also look at how this affects their bottom line and whether or not it is something other companies should consider doing.
Does apple hire Convicted felons?
Apple has long been known for their desire to hire ex-convicts, and many people don’t realize that they employ a large number of felons each year.
Of course, not all of these men and women have committed criminal acts, and in some cases, the term felon is used in place of someone who has come close to committing a serious crime.
According to an interview that Tim Cook, the current CEO of Apple, conducted with ABC news, there was a time when approximately 70% of their employees were ex-convicts, and this number is well above the national average.
Apple’s passion for hiring felons comes from their strong belief in second chances, and they’ve made it clear that they are willing to take the chance on ex-convicts that other companies might not.
However, there is more to this than just a desire to help people who have made mistakes in their past. Apple’s employment practices can benefit them as well, and this is something that other companies should consider if they wish to succeed.
Why does Apple hire felons?
Some people might be wondering why Apple would take the time to hire someone who has committed a crime, especially if they weren’t convicted.
The answer can be found in one of their core values which states that everyone should be treated equally and with respect, regardless of their background.
This is very important to apple and makes it clear that they are willing to give anyone a chance.
While some people might see this as being naive, it’s something that can benefit them in many ways.
How does Apple help ex-felons?
Apple has found that by giving felons a job, they can help them lead a much better life and avoid the temptation to commit another crime.

By incorporating ex-convicts into their workforce, apple can give them a chance to prove their worth and be an example for others who may be feeling down on their luck.

Not only does this help them gain self-respect, but it also helps the overall morale of the company.

What does it mean for the bottom line?

At first, many people may wonder what this means for Apple’s bottom line since they give so much to these ex-convicts without actually making anything in return.
However, a lot can be gained here, and by hiring felons, apple can utilize skills that would have otherwise gone to waste.
The company has stated that they can find employees who are just as good, if not better, than the average worker, and the production level is always high.
While this might scare some companies, Apple has found that it improves its overall quality by including more people in the workforce.
Since most of these employees have difficulty finding work, they are more than willing to put in the extra effort, which can benefit them by making their workforce even stronger.

Is Apple’s passion for hiring ex-convicts good for business?
In the past, many people assumed that Apple’s practice of hiring felons was good for business but bad for the company.

However, after hearing Tim Cook discuss this issue in an interview with ABC News, many people have changed their minds and realized that it’s very beneficial to Apple.

Not only are they able to gain new employees who are skilled at what they do, but also loyal and willing to work hard.
The company also receives praise for hiring felons since it can be seen as a form of giving back to the community, which helps them gain respect in the area.
By hiring ex-convicts, apple can make their employees feel like they are part of something bigger than themselves, making them even more productive.

Does apple background check while hiring?
Apple does a background check on its employee after hiring only.
What does Apple look for in a background check?
Apple takes privacy very seriously. They will not disclose what exactly is in their background check process. Still, it is generally accepted within the industry that Apple searches criminal records across state lines, county records, federal court records for civil cases, lookup sex offenders and predators list.
It’s also widely known they do credit checks which are a part of any background check.
We do not know exactly what is included in their checks, but we can say that Apple does a very thorough job, and seasoned professionals do the work.



  • James Davis

    James Davis, a former felon, is a renowned expert on corporate hiring policies for individuals with criminal records. His personal journey from incarceration to success drives his passion for advocating second chances. In this blog he regularly shares how to get job successfully being an ex offenders at different companies.

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