{EXPLAINED} Does Shell Hire Felons in 2024?

There are a lot of people with criminal records who are looking for work. Many employers won’t hire them, but there are some companies that are willing to give felons a chance. One of those companies is Shell.

They have a program called “Second Chance” that hires people with criminal records. I have personally known several people who have been hired by Shell through this program. It’s not easy to get hired – you have to go through an intense screening process and they only hire a limited number of felons each year.

But it’s worth it if you can get in because it’s a great company to work for. The pay is good and the benefits are great. If you’re a felon looking for a job, I encourage you to apply to Shell’s Second Chance program.

It might be just what you need to start turning your life around.

If you’re a felon looking for a job, you might be wondering if Shell is hiring. The answer is maybe. It depends on the felony and how long ago it occurred.

For example, if you have a felony that is directly related to the oil industry, then it’s unlikely that Shell will hire you. However, if your felony is not related to the oil industry, then you might have a chance of being hired by Shell. The best way to find out is to apply and see what happens.

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Does Shell Hire Felons

In the United States, the Second Chance Act of 2007 allows certain nonviolent felons to have their records sealed after completing their sentences. This act gives these individuals a second chance at finding employment, but it does not guarantee them a job. Many companies are hesitant to hire felons because they are seen as high-risk employees.

However, there are some companies that are willing to give them a chance. One of these companies is Shell Oil Company. Shell has a long history of supporting programs that help people with criminal records get back on their feet and find employment.

The company participates in the Prison Industry Enhancement Certification Program, which provides jobs for inmates while they are still incarcerated. In addition, Shell offers positions through its Reentry Employment Opportunities program for eligible individuals who have recently been released from prison. While Shell does hire felons, the competition for jobs is fierce.

There are often many more applicants than there are open positions. Those who want to work for Shell must be willing to put in the time and effort to stand out from the crowd and prove that they are worthy of being given a second chance.

What Types of Positions are Available for Felons at Shell

There are a variety of positions available for felons at Shell. The company is willing to work with individuals with criminal backgrounds and offers positions in customer service, retail, management, and more. There are also opportunities for those with a background in the oil and gas industry.

How Does the Hiring Process Work for Felons at Shell

If you have a felony on your record, it doesn’t automatically disqualify you from being hired at Shell. In fact, we believe that everyone deserves a second chance. We evaluate each applicant based on their qualifications and fit for the job they’re applying for.

We also take into account the nature of the offense and how long ago it occurred.

What are the Chances of Getting Hired by Shell With a Felony on My Record

If you have a felony on your record, the chances of getting hired by Shell are pretty slim. However, there are a few things you can do to improve your chances. First, make sure that you complete any required sentence and/or probation for your felony conviction.

Second, get involved in activities and programs that help rehabilitate felons and give them job skills. Finally, be honest with potential employers about your criminal history and explain how you have changed since your conviction.

Does Shell Hire Felons near San Antonio, Tx

If you have a criminal record, you may be wondering if Shell will hire felons. The answer is that it depends on the offense and how long ago it occurred. Shell does conduct background checks as part of their hiring process.

They likely won’t hire someone with a felony conviction, but they may consider someone with a misdemeanor depending on the circumstances. If you’re interested in working for Shell, your best bet is to apply and see what happens. If you’re honest about your past and present a positive attitude, you may be able to overcome any barriers created by your criminal record.


Shell is one of the world’s largest oil and gas companies, and they’re also known for being pretty good to their employees. But what about felons? Does Shell hire felons?

The answer is yes! Shell has a long history of hiring people with criminal records, and they have an excellent program in place to help these employees transition into the workforce. In fact, Shell even has a special team that helps ex-offenders find employment within the company.

If you’re a felon looking for a job, then Shell is definitely worth considering. They’re a great company with a lot to offer, and they’re very supportive of their employees.


  • James Davis

    James Davis, a former felon, is a renowned expert on corporate hiring policies for individuals with criminal records. His personal journey from incarceration to success drives his passion for advocating second chances. In this blog he regularly shares how to get job successfully being an ex offenders at different companies.

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