[Apply Now] Does Southern Company Hire Felons?

The question of whether Southern Company hires felons doesn’t have a clear-cut answer.

While the company does have a policy in place that appears to allow for the hiring of those with criminal records, it ultimately comes down to the discretion of the hiring manager.

However, we conducted a research and asked other felons to share their knowledge about hiring at different companies, and here’s what we have found.

Does Southern Company Hire Felons?

Yes, Southern Company hires felons and is an Equal Opportunity Employer, evaluating all applicants based on qualifications without discrimination based on protected characteristics.

Southern Company also has a program called Second Chance that offers employment opportunities to those with criminal backgrounds.

However, we recommend that you reach out to Southern Company directly if you are interested in applying for a position and have a felony on your record.

What Types of Positions are Available for Felons at Southern Company?

There are many types of positions available for felons at Southern Company.

Some of the most common positions include: assembly line workers, customer service representatives, forklift operators, and warehouse workers.

Many of these positions require little to no contact with the public and offer competitive wages and benefits.

How Does the Application Process Work for Felons Seeking Employment at Southern Company?

The application process for felons seeking employment at Southern Company is the same as it is for any other applicant.

Does Southern Company Hire Felons

Applicants must go through an initial screening, which includes a background check.

If an applicant has a felony on their record, they will not be automatically disqualified from consideration.

Instead, their case will be reviewed on an individual basis to determine if they are eligible for employment.

Eligible applicants may then be asked to complete a second stage of the screening process, which may include an interview.

Are There Any Special Considerations Given to Felons During the Hiring Process at Southern Company?

Southern Company is an electric utility company headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, United States.

It is the largest provider of electricity in the state of Alabama and the fourth-largest in Florida.

The company serves more than 9 million customers through its four operating companies: Alabama Power, Georgia Power, Gulf Power, and Mississippi Power.

In 2015, Southern Company was named by DiversityInc as the 4th Top Company for Blacks.

In 2014, they were ranked #1 Utility and Energy Company on Black Enterprise’s list of 40 Best Companies For Diversity.

They have also been recognized as a Top 50 Employer for African Americans by CareerBliss (2013) and a Top Military Friendly Employer by GIJobs (2014).

There are no special considerations given to felons during the hiring process at Southern Company; however, candidates with felony convictions will be asked to disclose this information on their application form.

Candidates who are offered a position will be required to undergo a background check, which may include a review of their criminal history.

Once Hired, are There Any Restrictions on Where Felons Can Work within Southern Company?

Yes, there are restrictions on where felons can work within Southern Company.

According to our policy, convicted felons are not eligible for employment in positions that require unescorted access to secure areas or that involve contact with the public.

Does Southern Company Hire Felons near San Antonio, Tx?

If you’re looking for a new job and have a felony on your record, you might be wondering if Southern Company hires felons in Texas.

The good news is that they do! In fact, Southern Company has a long history of helping people with criminal records get back on their feet and start fresh.

The company offers programs to assist individuals with criminal records in finding jobs, including training and partnerships with job placement organizations.

If you’re interested in working for Southern Company, don’t let your past hold you back – apply today!


In short, yes. The Southern Company is known to hire felons. This is good news for those with a criminal record who are struggling to find employment.


  • James Davis

    James Davis, a former felon, is a renowned expert on corporate hiring policies for individuals with criminal records. His personal journey from incarceration to success drives his passion for advocating second chances. In this blog he regularly shares how to get job successfully being an ex offenders at different companies.

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