[Explained] Become a Vet Tech With a Felony Record in 2024

Beginning on a career as a veterinary technician is an exciting journey, but for individuals with a felony record, navigating through the regulatory landscape can be challenging.

In this guide, we will provide you with a step-by-step approach to pursuing your passion for animal care while dealing with legal constraints.

We understand the complexities you face and aim to offer practical insights into the laws that vary from state to state.

Can you be a Veterinarian with a felony?

Despite a criminal record, you can still pursue a career as a veterinarian. California’s Veterinary Medical Board conducts background checks on license applicants, revealing any criminal history during the evaluation process.

Veterinary technician salary

Here’s a simple table listing the average annual salaries for veterinary technicians in various locations:

LocationAverage Salary
United States$36,670
New York$41,380

Please note that these figures are approximate and can vary based on factors such as experience, education, and the specific employer.

Researching Your State’s Regulations

To begin your journey, it’s crucial to thoroughly research the specific laws governing veterinary technician licensure in your state. Each state has its own set of rules, and understanding these nuances is key to overcoming the hurdles posed by a felony record. A detailed examination of your state’s veterinary licensing board website is the first step towards clarity.

Contacting State Veterinary Boards

For precise information tailored to your situation, reaching out directly to your state’s veterinary licensing board is imperative. Craft a professional inquiry outlining your circumstances and inquire about any potential restrictions or alternative paths available for individuals with felony convictions.

Consulting with a Criminal Defense Attorney

Navigating the legal intricacies of your situation necessitates professional guidance. A criminal defense attorney with expertise in occupational licensing can provide invaluable insights.

They can assess the specific details of your conviction and offer advice on how to present your case to licensing authorities.

Understanding Expungement Options

In some states, pursuing expungement might be a viable option. A successfully expunged record can significantly improve your chances of gaining licensure as a veterinary technician. Consult with your attorney to explore the possibility of expunging your felony conviction from your record.

Researching Accredited Veterinary Technician Programs

Choosing the right educational path is critical. Look for accredited veterinary technician programs that are recognized by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA). Completing an accredited program enhances your credibility and demonstrates your commitment to professional development.

Exploring Certification Options

While licensure is essential, obtaining additional certifications can bolster your resume. Consider pursuing certifications such as the Veterinary Technician National Examination (VTNE). These certifications not only showcase your expertise but also demonstrate your dedication to meeting industry standards.

Engaging with Veterinary Professionals

Networking plays a pivotal role in any career, and the veterinary field is no exception. Attend industry conferences, join online forums, and connect with veterinary professionals in your community. Building a strong network can open doors to mentorship opportunities and potential employment.

Showcasing Skills and Passion

Create a compelling online presence to showcase your skills and passion for animal care. Develop a professional portfolio highlighting your achievements, educational background, and any relevant experience. Utilize platforms like LinkedIn to connect with potential employers and colleagues.

Final Words

In conclusion, pursuing a career as a veterinary technician with a felony record requires diligence, strategic planning, and a commitment to excellence.

By understanding state-specific laws, seeking legal counsel, pursuing education, and building a robust professional network, you can overcome the challenges and embark on a fulfilling career in veterinary medicine.


  • James Davis

    James Davis, a former felon, is a renowned expert on corporate hiring policies for individuals with criminal records. His personal journey from incarceration to success drives his passion for advocating second chances. In this blog he regularly shares how to get job successfully being an ex offenders at different companies.

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